Sound Converter Home Page

What is Marathon 2 Sound Converter?
This program allows you to convert Marathon 2 Sound files to resource sound files (ie:normal sounds that can be edited and changed with any sound program) and back again. This allows you to use your favorite sound editing program on the existing sounds or record new ones, and then use them with Marathon 2. It will convert files with type 'snd2' (Marathon 2 format) into normal sounds, and files with type 'rsrc' (resource format) into Marathon 2 sounds.
What are the requirements to run this program?
To run Marathon 2 Sound Converter, you need any computer that will run Marathon, and enough hard disk space to store a file about the size of the original "Sounds" file.
Current Versions
- M2 Sound Converter v0.5
Changes from 0.4:
- Changed compliers to Metroworks Codewarrior 7 C++ from Symantec C++ v.7. As a result, the app is now fat, for whatever difference that makes.
- Improved documentation
- Works correctly if some sound ID's are missing, so now you can delete things such as ambient sounds, etc. without fear that Marathon will crash.
- I now have Marathon 2, so making this program should be much easier!
Future Plans
- An installer program that you can put your sounds into, and it will copy them onto a Marathon2 sound file.
- Names for the resources, so you know which numbers are what sounds
- Remap 16-bit sounds that are not provided onto 8-bit sounds that are.
- Put up a menu bar.
James Knight --- foom@fuhm.net